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HomeNewsStudents Take Climate Action at Oakland Tech

Students Take Climate Action at Oakland Tech

On Friday, September 24th hundreds of Bay Area students, many from our own Oakland Tech, left their classes and took to the streets to protest an increasingly important issue: the state of our climate. Many wielded cardboard signs with slogans like “Defund line 3,” “There is no planet B,” and “Save our futures.” During the march, people performed “die-ins” where they laid or sat on the ground to demonstrate the importance and urgency of our current climate situation. 

A large portion of people feel anxiety about the future of our planet. With disastrous change being noticeable in the upcoming decades, the climate crisis is an issue that this generation simply cannot ignore. Jamie Margolin, a young climate activist said “We had no power in creating the systems that are destroying our world and future, and yet we are and will be paying the biggest price for the older generations’ recklessness.” Protests like these have been happening all over the world for half a decade. Jamie Margolin founded the protest group Zero Hour in Seattle, Washington, in 2017, and Greta Thunberg led a school strike for climate beginning in 2018. Much of current climate action protests have been organized and led by young people. 

Students at Oakland Tech are dedicated and passionate, forming clubs surrounding these issues, like the Activism Club. After the protest on September 24th, many said they felt accomplished or proud of themselves. Even if no real change was immediately made, the climate strike brought people closer to their peers and further raised awareness for this important issue. Our youth needs and deserves a place to have our voices heard and to fight for our future on this planet. In the words of Howard Zinn, “Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”


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